Name des Moduls | [350120] Materials Synthesis | Bezeichnung des Moduls | MMC P002 |
Studiengang | [733] - Chemistry of Materials | ECTS Punkte | 10 |
Arbeitsaufwand für Selbststudium | 195 | Häufigkeit des Angebotes (Modulturnus) | jedes 2. Semester (ab Sommersemester) |
Arbeitsaufwand in Präsenzstunden | 105 | Dauer des Moduls | 1 |
Arbeitsaufwand Summe (Workload) | 300 | ||
Modul-Verantwortliche/r | Prof. Dr Delia Brauer, Dr Martin Hager |
Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von Leistungspunkten (Prüfungsform) | Exam/test on the content dealt with in the lecture, seminar, and laboratory content (70%); laboratory report (30%) |
Zusätzliche Informationen zum Modul | none |
Empfohlene Literatur | Will be recommended at the beginning of the module. |
Unterrichtssprache | English |
Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zum Modul | 733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: none |
Empfohlene bzw. erwartete Vorkenntnisse | 733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: none |
Verwendbarkeit (Voraussetzung wofür) | 733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: Module required to complete master’s thesis |
Art des Moduls (Pflicht-, Wahlpflicht- oder Wahlmodul) | 733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: Compulsory module |
Zusammensetzung des Moduls / Lehrformen (V, Ü, S, Praktikum, …) | Lecture (3 SWS), seminar (1 SWS), laboratory practical (3 SWS) |
Inhalte | Core concepts of soft matter (e.g. polymers, hydrogels, polymer colloids), and hard matter (e.g. glass, ceramics, metals, concrete) will be presented. The students will be introduced to different methods for the preparation of different material classes. Specific attention will be given to the challenges of different length scales (from nanomaterials to surfaces and bulk materials), and throughput of manufacture. In addition, the design, fabrication and structural principles of hybrid materials, mesoporous materials, and of high-throughput approaches for materials synthesis will be discussed, including zeolitic powders, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and nanostructured polymeric materials. |
Lern- und Qualifikationsziele | After completing this module, students will have obtained an understanding of synthesis methods, structure and properties of various classes of materials across different scales of length, and fabrication throughput. In addition to theoretical knowledge from lectures and seminars, students will have obtained experimental knowledge from laboratory practical. During the practical, they will have learned how to plan the synthesis of different materials, and search for literature on methods of materials synthesis independently or in small groups. They will not only prepare selected materials but also learn how the atomic structure of a material determines its properties, and how this knowledge can be used to tailor such properties. |
Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Modulprüfung | none |