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Name des Moduls [116810] Image Processing in Microscopy Bezeichnung des Moduls PAFMO181

Studiengang [128] - Physik ECTS Punkte 4

Arbeitsaufwand für Selbststudium 75 Häufigkeit des Angebotes (Modulturnus) jedes 2. Semester (ab Wintersemester)
Arbeitsaufwand in Präsenzstunden 45 Dauer des Moduls 1
Arbeitsaufwand Summe (Workload) 120    


Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann

Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von Leistungspunkten (Prüfungsform)

schriftliche oder mündliche Prüfung (100%)

Prüfungsform wird zu Beginn des Semesters bekannt gegeben.


Englisch, Deutsch auf Nachfrage

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zum Modul


Empfohlene bzw. erwartete Vorkenntnisse

All the image processing and simulations will be practiced in exercises. The student needs to be familiar with programming at a basic level and with basic concepts of image processing such as filtering and thresholding. The Image Processing lecture by Prof. Denzler in the second term forms a good basis for this course.

Art des Moduls (Pflicht-, Wahlpflicht- oder Wahlmodul)

128 M.Sc. Physik Vertiefung „Optik”: Wahlpflichtmodul

628 M.Sc. Photonics: Wahlpflichtmodul

Zusammensetzung des Moduls / Lehrformen (V, Ü, S, Praktikum, …)

Vorlesung: 2 SWS

Übung: 1 SWS


We will show different methodologies to extract specific information such as for example the average speed of diffusing particles or the locations and areas of cells from the multidimensional image data. Also fitting quantitative models to extracted data will be treated.Simulation of far-field intensity distribution by using simple Fourier-space based approaches is treated with and without considering the vectorial nature of the oscillating electro-magnetic field.

Lern- und Qualifikationsziele

Current microscopy often acquires a large amount of image data from which the biological or clinical researcher often needs to answer very specific questions.A major topic is the reconstruction of the sample from the acquired, often complex, microscopy data. To solve such inverse problems, a good model of the data acquisition process is required, ranging from assumptions about the sample (e.g. a positive concentration of molecules per voxel), assumptions about the imaging process (e.g. the existence of an incoherent spatially invariant point spread function) to modeling the noise characteristics of the detection process (e.g. read noise and photon noise).

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