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Name des Moduls [311040] Seminar Public Finance Bezeichnung des Moduls MW23.4

Studiengang [184] - Wirtschaftswissenschaften ECTS Punkte 6

Arbeitsaufwand für Selbststudium 150 Häufigkeit des Angebotes (Modulturnus) Sommersemester, ggf. auch Wintersemester
Arbeitsaufwand in Präsenzstunden 30 Dauer des Moduls 1
Arbeitsaufwand Summe (Workload) 180    


Prof. Dr. Silke Übelmesser

Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von Leistungspunkten (Prüfungsform)

Written contribution (ca. 50%), Presentation and participation in the academic discussion (ca. 50%).

The regulations concerning the students' assessments and the exact weights given to each part will be communicated well in advance. Students must pass each part of the seminar - the overall grade results from the weighted sum of the grades for the individual parts.

Due to the changing of the main topics of the seminar, already passed parts must be repeated if the seminar is retaken.



Empfohlene bzw. erwartete Vorkenntnisse

One of MW23.1, MW23.2, MW23.3 or MW23.5

Art des Moduls (Pflicht-, Wahlpflicht- oder Wahlmodul)

684 M.Sc. Economics: Wahlpflichtmodul

Zusammensetzung des Moduls / Lehrformen (V, Ü, S, Praktikum, …)

Seminar (2 h per week)


Students will work on selected theoretical or empirical topics from the fields of public finance / public economics and write a seminar paper.

Lern- und Qualifikationsziele

Students have developed an understanding of special topics in economics. They know how to write an academic paper based on the relevant academic literature. They also know how to present the main results of their seminar papers, act as a discussant for another seminar paper and participate in the discussion of the other presented papers.

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Modulprüfung

The learning objective of critical discussion skills requires the seminar participants' presence and active participation in the discussion. Admission to the examination, therefore, requires regular attendance (in case of illness or overlap with other compulsory courses, students have to notify immediately the person responsible for the organisation of the seminar and supply appropriate evidence). If students miss without proof or too frequently, admission to the examination can be refused. Further details are regulated by the examination regulations or the examination board.

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