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Name des Moduls [350250] Multi-Scale Simulation and Computational Materials Science II Modulcode MMC W005

Studiengang [733] Chemistry of Materials ECTS Punkte 5 LP

Arbeitsaufwand für Selbststudium 90 Stunden Häufigkeit des Angebotes (Modulturnus) jedes 2. Semester (ab Wintersemester)
Arbeitsaufwand in Präsenzstunden 60 Stunden Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester
Arbeitsaufwand Summe (Workload) 150 Stunden    


Prof. Dr-Ing. Lothar Wondraczek, Dr Zhiwen Pan

Voraussetzungen für die Vergabe von Leistungspunkten

Oral presentation of a mini project (30 min, 100%)

Zusätzliche Informationen zum Modul

If „Multi-Scale Simulation and Computational Materials Science II” is chosen, then Multi-Scale Simulation and Computational Materials Science I” has to be chosen as well.
The module can also be chosen as an elective module in „individual specialization”, if not already compled as „required specialization”.


Will be recommended at the beginning of the module.



Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung zum Modul

733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: none


733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: none

Verwendbarkeit (Voraussetzung wofür)

733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: Module required to complete master’s thesis

Art des Moduls

733 MSc Chemistry of Materials: Elective module in „required spezcialisation”

Zusammensetzung des Moduls / Lehrformen

Lecture (2 SWS), seminar (1 SWS), laboratory practical (1 SWS)
(SWS stands for‚ hours per week per semester)


In this module, mesoscale and larger-scale simulation approaches will be introduced and applied in a variety of real-world examples focusing on the area of materials synthesis, and processing. This will start with deviating relevant equations of state for use in finite element simulation methods. Applications will deal with problems of diffusion, thermal transport, fluid flow, reaction kinetics, optics and others.

Lern- und Qualifikationsziele

Ability to apply mesoscale simulation techniques to problems in materials chemistry, synthesis, and large-scale processing, in particular FEM methods;
knowledge of different software packages and tools

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Modulprüfung (Prüfungsvorleistungen)


MMC W005 ... Multi-Scale Simulation and Computational Materials Science II

MMC W005 ... Multi-Scale Simulation and Computational Materials Science II Modulhandbuch

Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung