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Biophotonics - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung Langtext
Veranstaltungsnummer 54770 Kurztext
Semester SS 2024 SWS 2
Teilnehmer 1. Platzvergabe 25 Max. Teilnehmer 2. Platzvergabe 30
Rhythmus Jedes 2. Semester Studienjahr
Credits für IB und SPZ
E-Learning Veranstaltung aufzeichnen/streamen  
Sprache Englisch
Belegungsfrist Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
Abmeldefristen A1-Belegung ohne Abmeldung    19.02.2024 09:00:00 - 26.03.2024 08:29:59   
A2-Belegung mit Abmeldung 2 Wochen    26.03.2024 08:30:00 - 16.04.2024 23:59:59   
A3-Belegung ohne Abmeldung    17.04.2024 00:00:01 - 19.08.2024 07:59:59   
Termine Gruppe: 1-Gruppe iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Lehrperson (Zuständigkeit) Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer 2. Platzvergabe
Einzeltermine anzeigen Fr. 08:00 bis 10:00 w. 05.04.2024 bis
Albert-Einstein-Str. 6 - SR 1-ACP   findet statt 24.05.2024: Will be moved to Fri 31.5.24 10-12 am
Gruppe 1-Gruppe:

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Ehricht, Ralf, Universitätsprofessor, Dr.rer.nat. verantwortlich
Heintzmann, Rainer, Universitätsprofessor, Dr. verantwortlich
Täuber, Daniela , Dr. rer. nat. verantwortlich
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Chemisch-Geowissenschaftliche Fakultät
Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät
  • Paras N. Prasad, Introduction to Biophotonics
  • Textbooks on laser spectroscopy, e.g. Demtröder; on quantum mechanics, e.g. Atkins and on optics, e.g. Zinth/Zinth
  • Jerome Mertz: Introduction to Optical Microscopy, Roberts & Company Publishers, 2010
  • Selected chapters of Handbook of Biophotonics (Ed. J. Popp) WILEY
  • Baker, M. J.; Hughes, C. S.; Hollywood, K. A. Biophotonics: Vibrational Spectroscopic Diagnostics; IOP Publishing: Bristol, 2016.

Dear students,

Biophotonics is an emerging field. Recent technological advances have allowed important contributions to research in infectios and age-dependent diseases. Applications of Biophotonic technologies have increased our understanding and improved the care and control of such diseases. This lecture will provide you with a very basic introduction into the biology of cells, microbes and important chemical and biological interactions and with fundamental insights in biophotonic technologies + insights into currently emerging technological advances.

We are aware of differing learing environments and strategies, and we want to provide you with good possibilities for learning. For this reason, we decided to offer this lecture and seminar in hybrid form.

The lecture will be provided mainly in prescence at the ACP (+ video recordings)
Lecture slides and recorded videos will be uploaded in the associated moodle class
On some dates (e.g. introduction, Fri April 5th, also Fri May 10th) there will be an additional live stream via the MMZ (ACP Raum e001):

The E-learing concept for this lecture aims at meeting your different educational backgrounds. Pre-lecture tasks (≈ 30 min work each) will be provided by us via moodle in advance of each lecture unit. The aim is to prepare basics for the units for better understanding. The content of these pre-lecture tasks will also be related to the topics covered by the exam. For the last 4 units, the Pre-lecture task will be watching the recorded lecture and answering a few questions. We expect you to upload answers to a few questions which we will provide along with the pre-lecture tasks. The answers will not be graded, however, uploading them is a requirement for permission to the exam
    •    Pre-lecture tasks will be available via moodle one week before each unit.
    •    The lecture pdfs and recorded videos will also be provided via moodle.
    •    Please contact Dr. Daniela Täuber (daniela.taeuber@uni-jena.de) in case you cannot access the moodle class (we will fill content to the moodle class in the first weeks of April).

The other requirement for permission to the exam is providing a presentation in the associated seminar. We will provide you with a list of topics ranging from microbiological approaches to various microscopy techniques, including new developments in high resolution fluorescence and infrared sepctroscopic imaging.

We wish you a good start into the summer term - stay healthy, we will try our best too!

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SS 2024 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25

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